Youth Ethics Advisory Panel with Scottish Youth Parliament and Police Scotland

The Youth Ethics Advisory Panel (YEAP) is a project that brings important dilemmas that affect the operation of Police Scotland to Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MYSPs), representatives of young voices across Scotland. MSYPs provide their perspective and advice on how best to uphold children and young people’s human rights and make them part of Police Scotland’s practices. It involves regular online sessions, and it is an opportunity to express the feelings of MSYPs on policing matters.

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How young people shape YEAP

The panels are chaired by a young person. They receive training with Police Scotland before and have autonomy over the decision on the ethical dilemma that is put forward by Police Scotland. The chair has prompts and directs the panel ensuring that it is fair for all attending, and they get a chance to express their views.

All members of the panels go through ethical decision-making training. This is a unique experience to YEAP but one that MSYPs found to help and support them in developing the skills needed to fully participate in the ethics panel. It can create confidence and allow for further critical thinking. 

Previous examples of dilemmas have been around policing are COP26 and international police work.

9 MSYPs, SYP staff & Police Scotland officials on a teams call

How young people’s views have been used in decision-making

After the panel a report is drafted up by Police Scotland. They create this report and the chair checks this over and makes any changes that are needed to truly represent the views of the young people at the panel. This report then once finalised is used by Police Scotland to influence forward planning.

What young people said

  • “Made me more confident in my thinking and when making points relating to the dilemma given” - ethics training.

  • “I really got the impression they were taking in some of our discussion points and can’t wait to see what can happens on regards of that.”  

  • “I think it will really help my high-level discussion on the spot. Allowing me to think of what someone said and gather my own opinion on it quickly and then deliver that opinion with confidence”.  

Contact info to find out more:

Contact the Scottish Youth Parliament at

Steven Scott

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Trans Rights Youth Commission