
Throughout The Right Way project, MSYPs and decision-makers have developed a deeper understanding of how meaningful participation works in practice.

Below are some reflections from MSYPs and officials involved in the project on the meaningful participation of young people in decision-making.

Three MSYPs are in a board room with post-it notes, paper, and snacks on the table

Young people’s experiences of participation

“The way we talk to and do engagement with different groups matters. Creating spaces for young people to meaningfully engage with decisions means changing the way Government does engagement – too often engagement with young people includes jargon, happens at inaccessible meeting times, doesn’t include explanations of complicated topics, isn’t in youth-friendly spaces, doesn’t involve to seldom-heard groups, and doesn’t respect our UNCRC article 12 right.”

“I don’t want to be a young person sitting at home and having politicians decide based on what they believe I want or need. We want to tell them what we want, and they must promise to act on it and be accountable for it.”

“When young people understand and know their rights and their value and power, supported by law, it gives them power to stand up for themselves and say “no, you’re not meeting my needs"

The SYP logo is stuck on the wall below a bit of paper that says "The Right Way"

Officials’ experiences of The Right Way project

“We need to ensure we are hearing directly from YP, not just bodies who represent YP. We need to ensure an equal knowledge and power base for all voices round the table.”

“The word VALUED stuck with me after the training- I think this is a key element and needs to be central across space-voice-audience- influence- so this was a great reminder to keep this central in any participation.”