IWill in Scotland

Originating in 2013, as a campaign to promote and increase young people’s involvement in social action across the UK, #IWill has grown and developed to now be an active movement comprised of over 1000 organisations and over 700 young people across the UK.

YouthLink Scotland logo

YouthLink Scotland is proud to be the lead for #IWill in Scotland, working closely alongside young people in the #IWill Ambassador and Champions programmes, key partners and stakeholders.

We are united in our shared values and beliefs that all young people should be supported to realise their potential and should have the opportunities to participate and have their voices heard, to make a positive difference and contribution on the issues that affect their lives, communities and wider society.

How young people shape the Commission

#IWill is a youth led movement which collectively believes that young people are not just the leaders of tomorrow, they have the energy, skills, passion and ideas to change society for the better today!

#IWill is open to all young people, 10-25years of age.  Young people have the option to sign up as an #IWill Champion, to create wider connections with other young people to make positive societal change and can also apply on an annual basis to become an #IWill Ambassadors.

#IWill Ambassadors drive all elements of the movement.  From holding co-chair positions on both the Scotland and UK wide advisory and partnership boards, creating strategic plans for the movement to highlighting and promoting social action and the positive contributions that young people make to society.

All #IWill Ambassadors are provided with an induction into the movement alongside appropriate training sessions, support from the #IWill team and a range of opportunities to showcase social action across a variety of platforms.

On an annual basis, young people’s social action and volunteering are recognized and celebrate through the #PowerOfYouth Day, which takes place on the 6th June alongside a week long spotlight during #IWill Week which takes place each November. 

#IWill week consists of a series of themed events, led by young people in the Movement, which not only celebrates but also challenges, organisations, key stakeholders and decision makers to come together, make their public commitment to young people through signing up to the #PowerOfYouth Charter, all with the overall aim of making the world a better and fairer place for young people.

A young person called Rabia Rasool is an IWill Scotland Ambassador and  is holding a sign that says '#power of youth' on it

How young people’s views have been used in decision-making

#IWill is a youth led movement and young people influence all aspects of this.  Young people lead on  their social action and the movement both locally, nationally and strategically and the #IWill team provide support, training and communication to relevant opportunities, which young people choose to participate in.

What young people said

  • ‘Change can happen on its own, but it has so much more power when we do it together.’ 

  • ‘It’s not just a movement it’s a family striving for change to make the world a better place.’

  • ‘We’re involved in everything that’s what makes it a very youth led movement.’ 

  • ‘It has enabled me to be confident knowing that we have the voice, power and knowledge to make a change.’ 

Steven Scott

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The Sexual Health and Healthy Relationships Project from Who Cares? Scotland


HistoricScot Youth Forum with Young Scot